It was a pleasure to host the event to discuss the ‘The Importance of Data in Facilities Management’ Report with twenty FM professionals in London on 21st January 2024.
WMA Consultancy Services in collaboration with Matt Tucker of Connective Thought created the Report, as we recognise that data is is seen by some (as Graham Perry described it at Workplace Futures) ‘as the new oil’ and now has to be refined to be used well to add strategic value, and in our experience within the FM sector, this is not happening as well as it could be.
So we interviewed ten FM experts with a mix of supply-side and demand-size experiences, and their feedback helped shape our recommendations to improve data usage in FM.
We began by talking through the highlights of the Report, focusing on the five higher-level themes that came through, as outlined in the visual below.

Is there one organisation demonstrating complete digital best practice?
A great question from the audience! The Report interviews and experience in the room indicates that whilst there are organisations doing some elements of digital and data excellence well, no one organisation appears to be do ‘everything’ well.
This led on to a debate about what overall digital maturity looks like and this slide encapsulates a proposed Roadmap towards it.

Panel Discussion – data in decision-making and challenges
Data and decision making were explored. It was highlighted that if the source data is not accurate, then the outcomes based upon that will not achieve the desired outcomes. So the advice is to be curious about the data you receive and don’t be afraid to change tactics if need be.
It’s important to explain to people why you need the data that they provide, what you are going to do with it, and the collective value that it will deliver, so people are motivated to contribute.
One of the challenges to emerge is how to keep up with the pace of technological change. The technology is available, often at low cost, tools such as Chat GPT, but it is how one can best get people to use it that is the key.

Roundtable – skills and training needs
One of the biggest challenges that emerged as we talked through the slides is the lack of data literacy and other baseline skills that are foundation skills needed before FM professionals can consider how to best understand data and how best to use it to add strategic value.
We agreed that defining what core digital skills are, and what are needed, is difficult, due to the pace of change.
However, data literacy can be learned, through understanding the basic technology terms, how systems link and then core skills for each job role.
It was proposed that softer skills – such as how to ask better critical questions and how to identify actionable insights – are actually important than technical skills (which change so rapidly), and likely to have longer term strategic value to an individual and their organisation.
This led to discussion on how best to create a data driven culture. A key component is to articulate the vision, to make it easier for all staff to understand. Further, to explain ‘the why’ so everyone understands the importance of contributing and leveraging data, and thus strive to ensure it’s delivered, accurate and used wisely.
It was a fabulous event and many thanks to those who attended.
And thank you to GWI for hosting the event so well at their Farringdon office.
To access a free, full copy of the 64-page Report, please email